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Let’s Talk About Race Baby: Non-Whites Behaving Badly [3/4]


In part one of this series I explored the developing psyche of the self-loathing white person and attacked the credibility of taking responsibility for other people’s moral failures.  In part two I expanded my rebuttal by pointing out that a lot of white people just simply don’t know their own history to the point where the typical white person is a culturally disembodied sheep just begging to be lead astray.  In this part I will be pointing out that the malice and cruelty typically associated with the white person is in actual fact part of human nature.

Before I begin, since publishing the first two sections I’ve had some new insights into this self-deprecating behaviour of white people.  While on Facebook I came across a thread regarding September 11 where someone (a white person) was saying how much we, the West, deserved to be attacked because we’re just so wicked.  They stated that ‘we’, the West, had killed 700,000 civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.  By sheer coincidence I’d just been looking this figure and immediately posted a comment correcting them that the true figure was somewhere between 75,000 and 90,000 civilians.  I merely corrected their figures, I did not state whether I was for or against the wars nor did I make any political comments of my own, however, my comment was immediately interpreted as a “pro-war” stance, which is certainly not true.  Apparently, one can measure the thickness of ones moral fibre by how far one is willing to make up fake statistics on the civilian death toll.

As if to confirm my hypothesis another poster (also white) ‘corrected’ both figures by proclaiming the actual civilian death told was 1,455,000.  Intellectual honesty is somehow incompatible with morality these days; what is needed is an emotionally over charged and exaggerated account of reality to prove to other people your own personal moral superiority.  I honestly don’t think those two people seriously gave a damn about the people getting killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, I think their primary concern was appearing to other people as if they did.  Probably because they felt guilty for not feeling as shocked by the deaths as they thought they ought to.  This is the problem when we let our emotions get over involved in moral thinking: we lose objectivity.  I suspect a lot of white people feel guilty for not feeling appalled enough about the treatment of non-whites by whites and so they’re trying to out do themselves with self-loathing and self-pity just for the appearance of being morally superior.  But this is a cheap, self-serving morality that does nothing to improve the treatment of our fellow human beings.  How can we help others to find their own dignity if we have none ourselves?  However self-gratifying it might feel to say, “I’m a dirty white person,” it still doesn’t help at all in making this a safer, happier and stabler world to live in.

When Non-Whites Demand Racial Purity: Korea and Japan

For many people Korea and Japan are countries steeped in mystery or the less charitable would call them steeped in weirdness.  What many people don’t realise is that both peoples are obsessed with a belief in the purity of their bloodlines and that they’re a unique race that must be protected from being made impure from blending with foreigners.  If you’re a person of non-Japanese descent, why don’t you try to immigrate and buy land in Japan or Korea?  Be prepared for rejection.  They don’t want filth like you contaminating their gene pools.

Adolf Hitler karaoke Bar, if this wasn't in asia would it be still be funny?

Korea is interesting because one of the things the North and South have in common is a paranoid fear of foreigners, in fact South Korea is probably the only country on Earth that can provide a figure like “144,385″ as the number of interracial marriages they have, the vast majority (61%) of those are with Chinese.  Still, the Chinese are an impure race and such marriages are viewed with distaste by the discerning Korean.  Meanwhile in Japan, political parties compete with each other to reassure the public they don’t trust any foreigners to get more votes.  This newspaper article offers an interesting insight into Japanese residency policy.  Imagine what would happen if any European country tried to protect the ethnic purity of their bloodlines?  Even if a small European country wanted to protect the ethnic purity of their people it would be considered an embarrassment on all white people.  Never mind the fact that every tribe on Earth has at one point or another been concerned about such ridiculous concepts like racial purity, if a white person does they’re racist, but an asian can hate foreigners to their heart’s content and we’ll just ignore it.  That’s because if you’re only looking for racism amongst white people, that’s the only place you’ll find it.

I'm so cool, I have a Swastika armband

The other issue is, why does desiring racial purity upset so many people?  I’m sure this comment will set the “racist alarms” off in a lot of reader’s heads, but think about this for a few moments: Were the Nazis evil because they hated ‘foreigners’, or were they evil because they exterminated ‘foreigners’?  Many people fail to realise that between being non-racist and racist is a little thought about middle ground called ‘ethnocentrism’.  Personally, I’m not that upset by Koreans and Japanese being so suspicious of foreigners, they’re extremely stable societies, mostly because large demographic shifts have been directly linked to the vast majority of international and intranational violence.  Keeping a tight control on immigration increases the stability both socially and internationally in a society.  Some might say that these societies are too stable and that they lack innovation and creativity which are also good criticisms.  But the question remains why white people are not allowed to make this choice to limit their immigration.  White people aren’t allowed to be anti-immigration without being racist.

When Non-Whites Claim to Be The Master Race: Arabs

In the Sudan, Libya, Egypt and many other North African countries there is a tendency for the locals to call themselves Arabs.  Some of them are descendant from Arabs, they usually speak an Arabic dialect, but at best they’re mongrels.  However, there is still this emphasis on being Arabs.  The reason?  Because Arabs are the master race.  This idea, spread by Islam, which also promotes the idea that God speaks in Arabic and that it is the most beautiful language in the universe, is based on the notion that the Arabs were Allah’s chosen people to rule the world.

The good old days, when Africans knew their place at the feet of their Arab masters

In Yemen there are black people desperate for work, but they’re mocked by their Arab overlords because of their racial inferiority they are good for nothing but servitude.

In Darfur province of Sudan, Arabs are carrying out ethnic cleansing because they’re superior to the genetically inferior locals.  They have no shame for the genocide they are committing, and why should they?  Only Arab life is important.

In Egypt right now, the Coptic Christians are getting closer and closer to being exterminated in a holocaust to rival the Nazis.  Take careful note of their name: Coptic – and old word for Egyptian.  The Copts are the last remnants of the indigenous people of Egypt after centuries of ethnic cleansing from their Arab overlords.  Genetically speaking, most “Arab” Egyptians aren’t really full-blooded Arabs, but don’t say that out loud to them.  In the near future expect to hear a lot more about massacres of Copts in their home country on the news.  Post “Arab-Spring” the Arabs are bolder than ever in killing their indigenous population in the interests of asserting their national identity as Arabs.

Interestingly, the Arabs are the most useless civilisation in history to my knowledge.  War, slavery, religious oppression and destruction appears to be their only cultural export.  That and the whole idea of being the “master race” is something they probably copied from the “chosen people”.  Some might say that they helped preserve the writings of the ancients but if they hadn’t conquered the Roman and Persian Empires not only would there have been no need to preserve those texts in Arabic but there would have been a lot more preserved.  Like people who think they’re more important than everyone else, civilisations which think they’re more important are just as pathetic and irrelevant.  I’m not letting over patriotic Americans off the hook with that statement either, they’re just as useless.

Yet, white people often feel guilty for their civilisation that not simply spread war, but also spread the enlightenment.  Look at the middle east right now.  The only ‘peaceful’ solution the Arabs are prepared to accept is the total extermination of the Jewish people.  Yet they’ve somehow guilted many white people into thinking the Arabs are the real victims.  It’s moments like this I really wish more white people knew about the history of Islam and the Arabic empires.  It takes a profound level of ignorance to think that the Arabs are innocent victims.  Here’s some more about how we must accept that Arabs are the master race.

When Non-Whites Enslave Their Own People: Africans

In the last installment of this series I pointed out that white people have enslaved more white people than any other group.  Slavery is primarily about economics, not ethnicity, except if you’re Arab, then everyone else is a slave because you’re the master race.  One very poignant example of this is Liberia.

Starting in the 1820s Black American volunteers went to Africa to liberate their people from slavery. Hence the name “liberia”.  It was supposed to be the beginnings of a United States of Africa that was every bit as liberal and economically successful as the United States.  However, the native Africans didn’t take too kindly to having their way of life violently upturned by the Americanized Africans.  To deal with this the Americanized Africans promptly enslaved the native Africans and dominated the running of the country in a South African style dictatorship of American Black privilege.

You might want to hold firmly onto your jaw here, if you haven’t dropped it already, the Liberian regime criticised the South African regime until their own government was violently overthrown by the indigenous Africans who had been oppressed for so long by their elite Americo-Liberian rulers in 1980.  Sorry, elitist Blacks, exploiting their own flesh and blood, criticising South Africa?  You’d never have thought black people had it in them to be so shameless.  Did you think that only white people victimized their fellow human?  Nonetheless, Liberia has since moved on to become one of the most politically unstable regimes in Africa promoting civil and international wars in Africa.

If you don’t know much about Liberia, it’s probably because it’s rude in our society to talk about the mistakes of black people – even though they’re the same mistakes white people have made.  Personally, these cases remind me how clearly we’re all human beings, all of us, white, black, yellow, Arab etc.. because we all have the same weaknesses and tendencies to do horrible things.

When Non-Whites Attempt Genocide: Indians

In India there is a caste of people called the Dalit or the untouchables.  (Ever noticed how our “class system” is evil but the Indian “caste system” is ok)?   They total over 170 million people.  Despite being protected by special laws to prevent more atrocities being carried out against them, India might as well be an apartheid state in name as well as practice.  Even Ghandi claimed the Dalit needed no special representation because he was enlightened enough to speak for a caste he was light-years removed from.  Hypocritical git.  The Dalit are considered by so many Indians to be sub-human that the life of a typical Dalit can be expected to end in being burned alive, flogged to death or being lynched for such crimes was touching a well, looking at a dog or eating rats to avoid starvation.  For some background into the joys of being part of the underclass in India read this.

Dalit man cleaning a sewer: if he didn't do it someone valuable might have to.

In a country like India, with far too many people and not enough responsible government to put in place firm family planning programs to stop their relentless population growth, it is hardly surprising that of the 200 million people near starvation in the country nearly all of them are Dalit.  If you don’t know about how bad corruption in India is, read this.  It’s hardly surprising the Indian government don’t miss an opportunity to call Australians racist when we’re one of the least racist countries on Earth: It’s all about distracting the people from their own dirty laundry.

Now, if this story disturbs you because you cannot comprehend how so many people working in and for the Indian government could conspire to take food away from over 56 million people in an effort to starve the Dalit to death while making a small bit of profit on the side, then you need to wake up.  If 50,000 people could be found willing to sell food set aside to help the poorest of the poor for their own personal enrichment then Indian society is riddled with rot and corruption.  The world is full of evil people, not just evil white people.  Any attempt to lay an attempted atrocity like this at the feet of white people is senseless and counter productive.

When Non-Whites Refuse to Help Themselves: African Americans/Aboriginals/Palestinians

African Americans have something very wrong with them.  They’re failing miserably in all of their demographic markers.  It isn’t their genetics though because African immigrants to the USA out perform the African Americans at every turn.  What’s different between Africans and African Americans?  Africans don’t have a chip on their shoulder about being victims: one thing that is glaringly obvious to me when every black artist in American seems to make a music video like this.  The first assumption of every African American is that they are struggling not because they’re not trying but because there’s no point in trying because white Americans will beat them down.  There’s a black man in the white house at the moment, this self-defeating victim rhetoric shouldn’t fly anymore.  Even Obama told them to stay in school because no white president could get away with sending that message. When are we going to admit to the fact that African Americans would rather be victims than equals?  Life is so much easier when you aren’t responsible for what happens to you.

Next in line we have the Aboriginals in Australia.  Shortest life expectancy, least happy, most imprisoned, least educated, most likely to die from alcoholism and most likely to live in squalor.  I have no doubts that the Aboriginal people have suffered horribly in the past, but in the 21st century there is not one rational reason why they shouldn’t be living as we do in mainstream Australian society.  Even if there weren’t affirmative action programs for them there is no reason why the Jews (who suffered worse things than stolen generations) out perform the typical white Australian in every category much more the Aboriginals.  The only difference between the Jews and Aboriginals is their attitude.  The Jews see themselves as tenacious survivors while the Aboriginals see themselves as powerless victims.  Well, not all of them, the hundreds of thousands of Aboriginals who have integrated themselves into mainstream Australian society don’t have these hang ups.  If they want the benefits of a modern civilised society they must accept that integration into such a society is their only way of achieving this.

If the Aboriginal people want to live longer, they need to adopt our lifestyle, if they want to not be imprisoned, they need to stop committing crimes, if they want to be educated they need to send their kids to school, if they don’t want to live in squalor they need to move to the cities and towns, if they want to stop dying from alcoholism, they need to stop drinking.  Even if there was an organised white conspiracy against them, these are still things Aboriginal people could do for themselves.  How much longer must we white Australians feel guilty for their irresponsibility?  It doesn’t help them!  Affirmative action programs and throwing money and houses at them won’t ever help people who won’t help themselves.  Just as our ancestors turned away from the nomadic and primitive life, the Aboriginal people have to too if they want to have parity with white people in living standards, they can’t have it both ways.

Meanwhile in the Palestinian territories they’re asking for a two state solution and autonomy.  But every time they are given an inch they carry out atrocities like firing guided rockets into Israel at schools and hospitals.  To give into such terrorism is to reward terrorism, that’s a no brainer, hence no progress towards peace.  The Israelis are fighting for their survival, the Arabs living in Israel don’t want to leave Israel because they have more rights as Israeli citizens than they do in any Arab country, even after the “Arab-Spring”.  The Arabs have attacked Israel so many times in the last 60 odd years that the only argument the Arabs have against them is that they just keep winning.  Those bastards!  Winning against the odds and surviving.  How can you not admire such tenacity and courage?  For those of you without the patience to read a few dozen articles on Wikipedia about the Arab-Israel conflict here’s a 10 minute documentary.  If there is to be any hope for peace in the middle-east the Arabs need to acknowledge they’re the ones starting the violence.  They need to stop belly aching about not being allowed to carry out ethnic cleansing and they need to stop trying to drag the rest of the world into their problems by blaming white people for them.

Nothing says "I'm a victim" like an unprovoked rocket strike on civilians.

Concluding Remarks

If this article shocked you, then I sincerely believe you need to spend more time reading foreign news and learning about history.  There are no easy problems in the world with easy explanations and solutions.  A lot of the time cynical media and political types manipulate the facts and stories to gain greater readership or to win elections by playing on people’s fears.  One needs to constantly question why a person is telling a story in a particular light, even me, ask yourself what my motivation is.  Then when you have an answer don’t just say, “Oh that’s a good or bad reason,” actually think for yourself, “why is it bad?  Why is it good?” There are no easy good or bad positions, just shades of grey. This article is of course too brief to thoroughly explore the in and outs of all of these issues and I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to take responsibility to inform yourself on these issues instead of relying on others to dictate what you should think or support.

In my last article I will be talking about whether white people owe the world an apology for their behaviour in the world today.

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